Grieving Men: Breaking The Self Abuse Of Grief

Grieving Men: Breaking The Self Abuse Of Grief cover

If a man responds with “I’m fine”, or “No, I’m good” when you ask if he’s okay or if he wants to talk about something on his mind. It’s likely he’s holding in emotions that are causing him pain. You probably have no concept of the real pain he is suffering or the battle he […]

Grief Work

Grief Work cover

In my many years of working as a professional medium, and carrying out my independent research into grief and the impact of grief in life. I have come to the conclusion that there is more we don't know or comprehend than we know. Not only have I helped many individuals and families connect with loved […]

Grief Triggers Cause Suffering On The Grieving Journey

grief triggers

Imagine, if you would, holding a jack-in-the-box and gradually turning the crank. At some point, the latch disengages and triggers the spring inside. Suddenly, there’s a burst of activity and the clown pops out in an unexpectedly jarring manner. This is very similar to the many triggers you experience upon your grieving journey. The trigger […]

Faith and Grief

faith and grief

We have all heard the saying that faith can move mountains. However, when it comes to the grief journey, faith is a mountain that you have to conquer. That mountain can seem so tall, so overwhelming. The way to conquer it is to begin the journey, understand the journey will hold many challenges, and just […]

10 Signs Of Spirit: How to Recognize Signs From Your Loved Ones

10 Signs Of Spirit: How to Recognize Signs From Your Loved Ones cover

Do you know what signs of spirit are around you when your loved ones pass on? It is natural to be sad when someone you love dies. The loss of a loved one is heartbreaking, but the bond they once shared with you stays. Even if they are no longer physically present, they still think […]

Grief and Anger, Your Tool For Change

grief and anger

Grief and Anger are inexorably linked. No matter how you feel about your loss of a loved one, you will never be the same again. You will never look at the world with the same eyes that you had previously. For some, grief is the great educator, and for others, grief is the great tormentor […]

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